What have my Members of Congress been up to?

OR District 4: Activity for the last 14 days.
Data fetched Sun 2018-11-18 03:01PM UTC.

Sun 2018-11-18

12:07PM UTC 📰 GoogleNews:
Racial Justice and Legal Pot Are Colliding in Congress

(Policing and Criminal Justice, Sen Merkley, Online Rights, Sen Wyden, Civil Rights and White Nationalism, Health Care and Reproductive Justice)

12:08AM UTC 📰 GoogleNews:
Sen. Markey Questions Mobile Carriers About Throttling Practices

(Online Rights, Policing and Criminal Justice, Sen Wyden)

Sat 2018-11-17

01:46PM UTC 📰 GoogleNews:
On Capitol Hill, the 2020 klieg lights switch on

(Sen Merkley, None of the Above)

08:37AM UTC 📰 GoogleNews:
Wyden opposes FERC nominee over coal, nuclear 'bailouts'

(Online Rights, International Relations, Environment, Sen Wyden)

01:01AM UTC 📰 GoogleNews:
Editorial: Say no to Sen. Merkley

(Sen Merkley, Voting Rights and Electoral Assurance)

Fri 2018-11-16

07:57PM UTC 📰 GoogleNews:
Secure Rural Schools (SRS) extention introduced

(Sen Wyden, Policing and Criminal Justice)

06:22AM UTC 📰 GoogleNews:
United States: Federal Privacy Law Introduced

(None of the Above)

05:00AM UTC 📜 Activity on bill:
Bill SB140: "A bill to amend the White Mountain Apache Tribe Water Rights Quantification Act of 2010 to clarify the use of amounts in the WMAT Settlement Fund."

(Sen Wyden, Sen Merkley, None of the Above)

-- VOTE ON 2018-11-13 PASSED:
-- Ron Wyden voted Yea
-- Jeff Merkley voted Yea
-- VOTE ON 2018-11-14 PASSED:
-- Ron Wyden voted Yea
-- Jeff Merkley voted Yea
-- VOTE ON 2018-11-14 PASSED:
-- Ron Wyden voted Yea
-- Jeff Merkley voted Yea

05:00AM UTC 📜 Activity on bill:
Bill HB5787: "Strengthening Coastal Communities Act of 2018"

(None of the Above)

-- VOTE ON 2018-11-16 PASSED:
-- Earl Blumenauer voted Yea
-- Peter DeFazio voted Yea
-- Kurt Schrader voted Yea
-- Greg Walden voted Yea
-- Suzanne Bonamici voted Yea

05:00AM UTC 📜 Activity on bill:
Bill HB6784: "Manage our Wolves Act"

(None of the Above)

-- VOTE ON 2018-11-16 PASSED:
-- Earl Blumenauer voted Nay
-- Peter DeFazio voted Nay
-- Kurt Schrader voted Nay
-- Greg Walden voted Yea
-- Suzanne Bonamici voted Nay

12:43AM UTC 📰 GoogleNews:
Is Sen. Kamala Harris Running In 2020? Ask The 1100 Facebook Ads She Just Bought.

(Transparency and Corruption, International Relations, Sen Merkley, Voting Rights and Electoral Assurance)

12:22AM UTC 📰 GoogleNews:
Trump's PBGC Nominee Clears Senate Finance Committee

(Online Rights, Environment, Immigration and Refugees)

12:11AM UTC 📰 GoogleNews:
Wenz: Adapt now to changing climate

(Sen Merkley, Environment)

Thu 2018-11-15

09:15PM UTC 📄 From Sen Merkley (press release):
Following Khashoggi Murder and Trump’s Disturbing Attacks on the Press, Merkley Leads Strongly-Worded Call for Senate to Stand Up for Freedom of the Press

(Sen Wyden, International Relations, Transparency and Corruption, Sen Merkley)

07:50PM UTC 📰 GoogleNews:
David Vela Sails Through Senate Confirmation Hearing To Become National Park Service Director

(Sen Wyden, Transparency and Corruption, Environment)

06:51PM UTC 📄 From Sen Merkley (press release):
Wyden, Merkley, DeFazio, Huffman Again Urge for Immediate Chetco River Protections

(Sen Wyden, Sen Merkley, Environment, Rep DeFazio)

04:02PM UTC 📄 From Sen Merkley (press release):
Wyden, Merkley & DeFazio Announce Additional Protections for Lifesaving Coast Guard Facility in Newport

(Sen Wyden, Sen Merkley, Rep DeFazio, None of the Above)

03:02PM UTC 📰 GoogleNews:
NTSB advances Southwest fatality investigation with hearing

(Policing and Criminal Justice, Online Rights, Rep DeFazio, International Relations, Environment)

12:00PM UTC 📰 GoogleNews:

(Sen Wyden, Sen Merkley, Rep DeFazio, None of the Above)

05:00AM UTC 📜 Activity on bill:
Bill SJR65: "A joint resolution relating to the disapproval of the proposed export to the Government of the Kingdom of Bahrain of certain defense articles and services."

(International Relations)

-- VOTE ON 2018-11-15 PASSED:
-- Ron Wyden voted Nay
-- Jeff Merkley voted Nay

03:54AM UTC 📰 GoogleNews:
2020 senator or president? Sen. Merkley may have to choose

(Online Rights, Sen Merkley, Policing and Criminal Justice)

12:40AM UTC 📰 GoogleNews:
COAST GUARD SUPPORT: Oregon Congressional delegation statement

(Sen Wyden, Sen Merkley, Rep DeFazio, None of the Above)

12:20AM UTC 📰 GoogleNews:
Federal Funds Sought For Fighting Bigger, Hotter Wildfires

(Sen Wyden, Sen Merkley, Environment)

Wed 2018-11-14

10:28PM UTC 📰 GoogleNews:
Pelosi confident as Democrat defectors search for alternative speaker

(International Relations, Environment, Transparency and Corruption, Rep DeFazio)

10:10PM UTC 📄 From Rep DeFazio (press release):
DeFazio, Wyden, Merkley Announce Additional Protections for Lifesaving Coast Guard Facility in Newport

(Sen Wyden, Sen Merkley, Health Care and Reproductive Justice, Rep DeFazio)

U.S. Rep. Peter DeFazio and U.S. Sens. Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley today announced Senate passage of additional protections for the lifesaving Coast Guard air facility in Newport, Oregon that were included in the Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2018.

“This facility is critical to the Coast Guard’s search-and-rescue operations. It can make the difference between life and death both for central Oregon Coast residents and visitors to our state’s beaches,” said Wyden. “Today’s action is a positive step forward, but I won’t stop fighting until we have a permanent solution to keep this essential rescue station open.”

“This reauthorization greatly strengthens our ability to keep lifesaving Coast Guard helicopters on the job in Newport,” Merkley said. “This victory will preserve a critically important asset for our coastal communities and visitors.”

“It is impossible to overstate how critical having search and rescue helicopters nearby is to Oregon’s fishing industry, coastal visitors and residents. The Newport air station handles half the emergency calls on the Central Oregon Coast and without it, people in imminent danger will have to wait for a helicopter from North Bend or Astoria to rescue them. It is imperative that the Newport air facility stay open, and I will continue to do everything I can here in Washington D.C. to ensure we have a permanent resolution to this problem,” said DeFazio, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and lead Democratic sponsor and negotiator in the House of Representatives on the Coast Guard Authorization Act.

The lawmakers have tirelessly advocated to keep the Newport air facility open. It is one of Oregon’s few deep-draft ports and is home to the state’s largest commercial fishing fleet and several National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration vessels.

A web version of this release is available here.

06:58PM UTC 🐦 Sen Wyden tweets:
Learn more about my bill to expand #VoteByMail to every state HERE: https://t.co/KVKHiigbDx

(Sen Wyden, None of the Above)

05:01PM UTC 📰 GoogleNews:
Senators seek to block ICE from arresting migrant child caretakers

(Sen Wyden, Health Care and Reproductive Justice, Immigration and Refugees)

04:39PM UTC 📰 GoogleNews:
Smith aims to scrap Trump's nuclear weapons policy

(Online Rights, International Relations, Sen Merkley)

02:33PM UTC 📰 GoogleNews:
Merkley seeking to change Oregon law so he can run for president and Senate in 2020: report

(Policing and Criminal Justice, Sen Merkley, Online Rights, Immigration and Refugees, Health Care and Reproductive Justice)

01:03PM UTC 📰 GoogleNews:
PELOSI LAUNCHES CHARM OFFENSIVE -- Trump meddles in minority leader race -- DENHAM LOSES -- Merkley ...

(Policing and Criminal Justice, Sen Merkley, Immigration and Refugees, International Relations, Health Care and Reproductive Justice)

10:04AM UTC 📰 GoogleNews:
Commentary: Could One Of These 26 Politicians Be The Next POTUS?

(Online Rights, Sen Merkley, Voting Rights and Electoral Assurance)

05:00AM UTC 📜 Activity on bill:
Bill HB6064: "To rename the Oyster Bay National Wildlife Refuge as the Congressman Lester Wolff National Wildlife Refuge."

(None of the Above)

-- VOTE ON 2018-11-13 PASSED:
-- Earl Blumenauer voted Yea
-- Peter DeFazio voted Yea
-- Kurt Schrader voted Yea
-- Greg Walden voted Yea
-- Suzanne Bonamici voted Yea

05:00AM UTC 📜 Activity on bill:
Bill HB2615: "Gulf Islands National Seashore Land Exchange Act of 2017"

(None of the Above)

-- VOTE ON 2018-11-13 PASSED:
-- Earl Blumenauer voted Yea
-- Peter DeFazio voted NV
-- Kurt Schrader voted Yea
-- Greg Walden voted Yea
-- Suzanne Bonamici voted Yea

05:00AM UTC 📜 Activity on bill:
Bill HR1142: "Providing for consideration of the bill (H.B. 6784) to provide for removal of the gray wolf in the contiguous 48 States from the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife published under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, and providing for proceedings during the period from November 19, 2018, through November 26, 2018."

(None of the Above)

-- VOTE ON 2018-11-14 PASSED:
-- Earl Blumenauer voted Nay
-- Peter DeFazio voted Nay
-- Kurt Schrader voted NV
-- Greg Walden voted Yea
-- Suzanne Bonamici voted Nay

Tue 2018-11-13

04:34PM UTC 🐦 Sen Wyden tweets:
Facebook Failed to Police How Its Partners Handled User Data https://t.co/yq88eL6KlX

(Sen Wyden, Policing and Criminal Justice)

12:08AM UTC 🐦 Sen Wyden tweets:
Trump refuses to lead on protecting our elections from Russia and then lies about made-up fraud. For real security,… https://t.co/sJWFEVL4ZA

(Sen Wyden, International Relations, Transparency and Corruption)

Mon 2018-11-12

08:48PM UTC 🐦 Sen Merkley tweets:
Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker has a record of threatening to undermine the Russia investigation. If he w… https://t.co/r6u1AiNBh2

(International Relations, Transparency and Corruption, Sen Merkley)

07:14PM UTC 🐦 Sen Merkley tweets:
Mr. President, In America we count EVERY vote. https://t.co/uYaK88bF2V

(Sen Merkley, None of the Above)

03:16PM UTC 📰 GoogleNews:
Veterans Urge Congress to Pass Wilderness Bills This Year

(Immigration and Refugees, Rep DeFazio, Sen Wyden, Health Care and Reproductive Justice, Environment)

01:00AM UTC 📰 GoogleNews:
ICE Is Imprisoning a Record 44000 People

(Sen Merkley, Immigration and Refugees)

Sun 2018-11-11

06:09PM UTC 📄 From Sen Merkley (press release):
They're trying to steal this election

(Sen Merkley, Environment, Health Care and Reproductive Justice)

As the votes have been counted since Election Night, one thing is clear: our powerful Get Out The Vote operation has meant that many of the close elections have been won by Democrats. In a few cases, races that we thought were over have actually shifted back to "too close to call".

Now, Republican operatives and lawyers in DC are trying to pull the emergency brake. They want vote counts stopped. They want provisional ballots ignored. They want to stop our democracy from including every eligible voter.

We're not going to let that happen.

Here's what you can do right now: Split a donation to Stacey Abrams, Kyrsten Sinema, Andrew Gillum, and Bill Nelson.

Your donation will be used to ensure that every vote is counted in Georgia, Arizona, and Florida.

It all comes down to this. Chip in now.


Sat 2018-11-10

08:00PM UTC 📄 From Sen Merkley (press release):
Emergency petition: protect transgender Americans

(Sen Merkley, LGBTQ Equality, International Relations, Health Care and Reproductive Justice, Environment)

Red alert: Team Trump is looking to legally discriminate against transgender Americans.

Their horrendous plan: legally define gender as fixed at birth and roll back rights for transgender Americans.

And why? All to drive turnout among the most extreme parts of their base.

Sign the petition now to protect transgender Americans from further discrimination.

This is just the next step in a long campaign against equal rights.

They fought against legal protections for LGBTQ Americans in our courts and tried to prevent transgender citizens from serving in the military.

They're attempting to eliminate references to references to LGBTQ Americans in our census and other strategic plans and surveys.

And now they want to erase an entire marginalized class of Americans. It's horrific.

This is just another fear-mongering tactic to whip Trump's base into a frenzy.

Sign the petition: Tell the Trump administration to stop erasing the rights of transgender people.


07:18PM UTC 📰 GoogleNews:
Wyden calls for veteran support at memorial service

(Sen Wyden, International Relations)

03:35PM UTC 📄 From Sen Merkley (press release):
Merkley Statement on Decision to End American Refueling Assistance for Saudi Airstrikes in Yemen

(Sen Merkley, None of the Above)

01:19PM UTC 📰 GoogleNews:
These are the senators facing re-election fights in 2020

(International Relations, LGBTQ Equality, Sen Merkley, Voting Rights and Electoral Assurance)

Fri 2018-11-09

08:57PM UTC 📰 GoogleNews:
Peter DeFazio, Donald Trump and Julie Parrish: What election night means for Oregon

(Policing and Criminal Justice, Rep DeFazio, Voting Rights and Electoral Assurance)

08:59AM UTC 📰 GoogleNews:
Peter DeFazio's gavel

(Policing and Criminal Justice, Rep DeFazio)

  1. Peter DeFazio's gavel  The Register-Guard
  2. Full coverage

Thu 2018-11-08

05:33PM UTC 🐦 Sen Wyden tweets:
It's an authoritarian tactic. https://t.co/z7AC3AxcEL

(Sen Wyden, None of the Above)

04:02PM UTC 🐦 Sen Wyden tweets:
Trump Installs a Critic of the Mueller Investigation to Oversee It https://t.co/oQnUBzHTaC

(Sen Wyden, None of the Above)

03:50PM UTC 🐦 Sen Wyden tweets:

When will @senatemajldr commit to taking real action to end senseless gun violence?

(Sen Wyden, None of the Above)

02:52PM UTC 📰 GoogleNews:
Coos County election numbers compared to state results

(Policing and Criminal Justice, Rep DeFazio)

10:04AM UTC 📰 GoogleNews:
Coming soon to the Senate: A 2020 Democratic brawl

(International Relations, Immigration and Refugees, Sen Merkley)

Wed 2018-11-07

11:09PM UTC 🐦 Sen Wyden tweets:
Read more about my bill to end federal cannabis prohibition HERE: https://t.co/mwyrG0FCiK

(Sen Wyden, None of the Above)

10:46PM UTC 🐦 Sen Merkley tweets:
Recuse yourself. https://t.co/8ZmfULmEcg

(Sen Merkley, None of the Above)

10:08PM UTC 📄 From Sen Merkley (press release):
The Blue Wave rolls. Here's what's next:

(Sen Merkley, LGBTQ Equality, Health Care and Reproductive Justice, Voting Rights and Electoral Assurance, Environment)

Today we woke up to a House of Representatives that looks a lot more like America – over 100 women, and many more people of color and LGBT Americans.

Let's be completely clear: last night, the American people delivered a massive repudiation of Donald Trump and what he stands for. We didn't win every race we wanted to, but in the biggest midterm voter turnout in decades, over four million more people voted for Democrats than Republicans. That's extraordinary.

The American people rejected the calls for hate and fear, and voted for hope and opportunity. Taking back the House is the first step in a grassroots movement to reclaim and restore our nation.

And our grassroots activism made a difference. Blue Wave Project candidates were part of this historic effort. Up and down the ballot, we helped flip seats across America.

There's plenty more work to do.

Donald Trump is still President, and must be defeated in 2020.

The arc of history continues to bend. But it doesn't bend by itself — it's up to us to do the work.

Add your name and commit to defeating Trump in 2020.



Sign the Petition

09:55PM UTC 📄 From Rep DeFazio (press release):
I've never been more inspired

(Civil Rights and White Nationalism, Transparency and Corruption, Rep DeFazio, Voting Rights and Electoral Assurance)

First of all, thank you for your support.

Last night, the American people delivered a stunning rebuke to the Trump and Republican agenda of hatred, bigotry and corruption. They demanded an end to the assault on institutions critical to our democracy such as voting rights and a free press. Americans said no more. In the next Congress, the House of Representatives will advance an agenda For the People, and serve as a check on the Trump Administration.

I'm honored to be heading back to D.C. to a congress that will again work for the people. I'm proud that my campaign was fueled by the energy of so many amazing volunteers and supporters – not Wall Street- but an honest-to-goodness grassroots movement.

And, I'm excited to get to work as part of the new Democratic majority, alongside some new Members of Congress including Katie Hill (CA-25), Kim Schrier (WA-08), Mike Levin (CA-49), and Abby Finkenauer (IA-01).

Right here in Oregon, we saw a new generation of young leaders – some not yet old enough to vote! – stand up and work like hell for the future they deserve. It was truly inspiring to work with the Young Democrats of Lane County.

That’s leadership. And I couldn’t be prouder to stand by this incredible group as they build our movement. They're planning on continuing their momentum and start working on the 2020 election.

Celebrate our victory in the House with a donation of $20.20 to this group of Young Democrats! Your contribution will go directly these young world changers and help them open an office for 2020 and greatly expand their reach.

Our goal is $5,000 – and I believe in these young people so much that I will match your donation dollar-for-dollar!

Now it's time to get to work. I hope you'll continue to speak up – loudly and often – and I'm looking forward to bringing your voice to the halls of the Capitol.


05:53PM UTC 🐦 Sen Wyden tweets:
People know a cheat when they see one. https://t.co/JX1fCZaUhC

(Sen Wyden, None of the Above)

12:58PM UTC 🐦 Sen Merkley tweets:
The American people rejected the calls for hate and fear, and voted for hope and opportunity.

(Sen Merkley, None of the Above)

06:31AM UTC 📰 GoogleNews:
Election results: Rep. Mike Nearman defeats challenger in House District 23

(Immigration and Refugees, Rep DeFazio, Voting Rights and Electoral Assurance)

Tue 2018-11-06

10:36PM UTC 🐦 Sen Merkley tweets:
RT @OregonZoo: Voting feels like this
#GoVote https://t.co/X8kK0GhPn3

(Sen Merkley, None of the Above)

10:22PM UTC 🐦 Sen Wyden tweets:
https://t.co/KVKHiigbDx https://t.co/Sovx24JZvy

(Sen Wyden, None of the Above)

09:40PM UTC 🐦 Sen Wyden tweets:
Know your rights. Go vote. #BeAVoter #VoteToday https://t.co/1067UAmLNH

(Sen Wyden, None of the Above)

07:46PM UTC 🐦 Sen Wyden tweets:
Here's a reminder about what’s at stake today:

(Sen Wyden, None of the Above)

05:43PM UTC 🐦 Sen Wyden tweets:
RT @drvox: There are no long lines when you vote by mail. https://t.co/sViunqxnK4

(Sen Wyden, None of the Above)

04:34PM UTC 🐦 Sen Wyden tweets:
Already turned in your ballot in Oregon and want to make sure your vote was counted? Check HERE: https://t.co/C47wIkvG74

(Sen Wyden, Voting Rights and Electoral Assurance)

02:33PM UTC 🐦 Sen Merkley tweets:
No excuses. You are an American citizen, go VOTE!

(Sen Merkley, None of the Above)

02:16PM UTC 🐦 Sen Merkley tweets:
Resist. PERSIST! And VOTE today!

(Sen Merkley, None of the Above)

02:08PM UTC 📄 From Sen Merkley (press release):
Here's how we take our country back today:

(Sen Merkley, Environment, Health Care and Reproductive Justice, Voting Rights and Electoral Assurance)

There is one way we can take back our country: people power.

Today is Election Day. It all comes down to this.

Our blue wave washes across America. Let's do this.



02:01PM UTC 📰 GoogleNews:
Gov. Brown, Sens. Wyden and Merkley and Rep. DeFazio rally student support on campus

(Sen Merkley, Rep DeFazio, Sen Wyden, Voting Rights and Electoral Assurance, Environment)

05:07AM UTC 📄 From Rep DeFazio (press release):
These Young Democrats are a force for change!

(Rep DeFazio, Voting Rights and Electoral Assurance)

I want to tell you about an incredible group of young people who have been working tirelessly to elect Democrats in Oregon and across the country.

The Young Democrats of Lane County have been volunteering from my 2018 field office in Eugene to help win back the U.S. House of Representatives.

Most of these Young Democrats have yet to reach voting age, but they've been calling, knocking on doors, texting, and reminding folks why it's so important to exercise their right to vote. They are campaigning for Red to Blue candidates Kim Schrier (WA-08), Mike Levin (CA-49), Gina Ortiz Jones (TX-23), Katie Hill (CA-25), Aftab Pureval (OH-01) , Abby Finkenauer (IA-01) and many more Democratic candidates across Oregon.

What's even better? They don't plan to slow down after November 6th. In fact, these young people plan to remain active, open an office, and start working on the 2020 election.

This is exactly what our country needs!

Help this group of Young Democrats make a big impact in 2020 by donating $20.20! Your contribution will go directly these young world changers and help them expand their reach.

Our goal is $5,000 – and I believe in these young people so much that I will match your donation dollar-for-dollar!

Chip in today and help ensure they have the funding to rent office space and work for the change this country desperately needs. This group of young people understands that the decisions elected leaders make now will have a direct impact on their lives for decades. They've realized that grassroots organizing can have a powerful, positive impact, and they're not stopping. With your help, they'll remain a force for change long past the November election. Please chip in now!


12:59AM UTC 📄 From Sen Merkley (press release):
Our hard work all comes down to this.

(Sen Merkley, Environment, Health Care and Reproductive Justice)

There is one way we can take back our country: people power.

Tomorrow is Election Day. It all comes down to this.

Don't leave it to the last minute: Find your polling place at BlueWaveProject.org and make a plan to vote.

Alternatively, find your polling location by texting "WAVE" to 91990.

Let your friends and family know you're voting by sharing our post on Facebook. Urge them to find their polling places and join you in voting.

Tomorrow, our blue wave washes across America. Let's do this.



12:47AM UTC 📄 From Sen Merkley (press release):
Change is in your hands

(Sen Merkley, Environment, Health Care and Reproductive Justice, Voting Rights and Electoral Assurance)

As you know, this is a fight for the soul of our democracy.

Right now, the powerful and the privileged are trying to rig our elections with dark money and voter suppression.

But there is one way we can change that: people power.

That begins by VOTING on November 6.

Find your polling location by texting "WAVE" to 91990!

Visit Facebook, watch the video, and share my post with your friends to remind them to vote.

Let's do this.



Mon 2018-11-05

09:01PM UTC 🐦 Sen Wyden tweets:
Looks like @USTreasury is set to fold like a cheap suit on sanctioning Russian oligarchs. If Republicans maintain c… https://t.co/cAUBYuU8mm

(Sen Wyden, International Relations, Transparency and Corruption)

07:44PM UTC 📄 From Sen Merkley (press release):
Wyden, Merkley Announce Nearly $10 Million in Head Start Grants for Oregon

(Sen Wyden, Sen Merkley, None of the Above)

05:42PM UTC 📄 From Sen Merkley (press release):
Senators Call for Additional Funding to Ensure Effective Responses to Massive Wildfires

(Sen Merkley, Environment)

03:49AM UTC 🐦 Sen Wyden tweets:
You can track your ballot after voting. Visit https://t.co/pO2PuQS7ZC to follow your ballot. #VoteByMail #VoteAtHome

(Sen Wyden, Voting Rights and Electoral Assurance)

01:43AM UTC 📄 From Sen Merkley (press release):
One key solution to voter suppression and intimidation:

(Sen Merkley, Environment, Health Care and Reproductive Justice, Voting Rights and Electoral Assurance)

As we push up to Election Day, we'll be reminded of the many barriers that voters face.

Long lines. Intimidation. Machines that are susceptible to hacking.

Our democracy works best when everyone who can vote does vote, and every vote is tamper-proof and secure.

The solution: postage-paid vote-by-mail nationwide.

Voting by mail breaks down barriers for seniors, working families, disabled Americans, and young voters. It gives people the time and safety to vote from the convenience of their own home. Paper ballots are unhackable and can be recounted and audited by hand.

Sign the petition and add your support to the national vote-by-mail movement.


Sun 2018-11-04

Acknowledgements: Items marked "GoogleNews" are provided by Google News. Each particular item is produced by its particular publisher. News searches use the name and title of the given Member of Congress.

Acknowledgement: Tweets from the public-facing Twitter accounts of Members of Congress are provided by Twitter. Disclosure: Twitter collects and uses data about users’ browsing activities when viewing tweets, including for interest-based advertising and personalization; for opt-out instructions see here.

Acknowledgement: Some items on legislative activity are provided by LegiScan.

Acknowledgement: Some items on legislative activity are provided by ProPublica.

Acknowledgement: Posts from the public-facing Facebook pages of Members of Congress are provided by Facebook.

Acknowledgement: Items from the official Senate or House websites of Members of Congress are public information provided by those websites.

Acknowledgement: Items from the campaign websites of Members of Congress are provided by those websites.